NYC aluminum car passenger set from 1998-99. This LIONEL 19171 NEW YORK. CENTRAL STREAMLINED PASSENGER CAR SET includes 1 Baggage Car, 1 Coach Car, 1 Observation Car and 1 Dining Car. They have the following features: Opening doors on the Baggage Car, Interior illumination, Passenger silhouettes, Illuminated drumhead, Stamped steel frames, Detailed vestibules, Die cast trucks and Magnetic lift plate couplers. Cars 6-19172 To 6-19175. The New York Central Streamlined passenger set includes four 16 cars. 2570 Baggage car, 2572 Manhattan Island Dining car, 2573 Queensboro Bridge Coach, and 2575 Windgate Brook observation. The baggage car’s doors open. The diner, coach, and observation cars all feature interior illumination and silhouetted passengers. Windgate Brook’s Illuminated drumhead reads “New York Central System”. Never taking out of the boxes, they were bought new and put away.